LaTeX arrows

LaTeX arrows

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LaTeX arrows

Latex provides a huge number of different arrow symbols. Arrows would be used within math enviroment. If you want to use them in text just put the arrow command between two $ like this example: $\uparrow$ now you got an up arrow in text.

First we show the arrow symbols which are available without an extra usepackage.

default LaTeX arrows

Default means, you do not need an extra usepackage.

\uparrow \downarrow
\Uparrow \Downarrow
\updownarrow \Updownarrow
\leftarrow \rightarrow
\leftrightarrow \Leftrightarrow
\Leftarrow \Rightarrow
\longleftarrow \longrightarrow
\Longleftarrow \Longrightarrow
\longleftrightarrow \Longleftrightarrow
\nwarrow \nearrow
\swarrow \searrow
\mapsto \longmapsto
\hookleftarrow \hookrightarrow
\leftharpoonup \rightharpoonup
\leftharpoondown \rightharpoondown

arrow symbols out of amssymb

Additional arrow symbols which are provided by usepackage amssymb.

\twoheadleftarrow \twoheadrightarrow
\Lsh \Rsh
\leftleftarrows \rightrightarrows
\upuparrows \downdownarrows
\rightleftarrows \leftrightarrows
\Lleftarrow \Rrightarrow
\leftarrowtail \rightarrowtail
\rightsquigarrow \leftrightsquigarrow
\looparrowleft \looparrowright
\circlearrowleft \circlearrowright
\curvearrowleft \curvearrowright
\upharpoonleft \upharpoonright
\downharpoonleft \downharpoonright
\nleftarrow \nrightarrow
\nLeftarrow \nRightarrow
\nleftrightarrow \nLeftrightarrow

LaTeX arrow with text

First the default ones, then amssymb version and last the symbols of usepackage extarrows:
\overleftarrow{Text} \overrightarrow{Text}

By using usepackage amssymb:
\underleftarrow{Text} \underrightarrow{Text}
\overleftrightarrow{Text} \underleftrightarrow{Text}
Long arrows with text could be made with usepackage extarrows.
Hint! The curly braces, for the area above arrow, must be set - even it is empty. Like A \xlongrightarrow{} B .

A \xLongleftarrow[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xLongleftarrow{\text{ganz langer text}} B
A \xLongrightarrow[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xLongrightarrow{\text{ganz langer text}} B
A \xLongleftrightarrow[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xLongleftrightarrow{\text{ganz langer text}} B
A \xLeftrightarrow[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xLeftrightarrow{\text{ganz langer text}} B
A \xlongleftrightarrow[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xlongleftrightarrow{\text{ganz langer text}} B
A \xlongrightarrow[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xlongrightarrow{\text{ganz langer text}} B
A \xlongrightarrow{} B
A \xleftrightarrow[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xleftrightarrow{\text{ganz langer text}} B
A \xlongleftarrow[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xlongleftarrow{\text{ganz langer text}} B
A \xlongleftarrow{} B
A \xleftarrow[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xleftarrow{\text{ganz langer text}} B
A \xrightarrow[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xrightarrow{\text{ganz langer text}} B
A \xlongequal[\text{unten Text}]{\text{oben Text}} B
A \xlongequal{\text{ganz langer text}} B

more arrow symbols

More arrow symbols or how to make a new arrow out of an existing one. By using the \rotatebox command of the graphicx usepackage.
First two arrows around the corner out of amssymb:
\Rsh \Lsh

they could turned with \rotatebox like this:
\Rsh \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{$\Rsh$}
\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{$\Rsh$} \rotatebox[origin=c]{270}{$\Rsh$}
\Lsh \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{$\Lsh$}
\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{$\Lsh$} \rotatebox[origin=c]{270}{$\Lsh$}

arrow right direction

A short overview about arrow symbols which show to the right side:

default arrow symbols
\rightarrow oder \to \Rightarrow
\longrightarrow \Longrightarrow
\mapsto \longmapsto
\hookrightarrow \rightharpoonup

symbols out of amssymb
\twoheadrightarrow \Rsh
\rightrightarrows \Rrightarrow
\rightarrowtail \rightsquigarrow
\looparrowright \circlearrowright
\curvearrowright \nrightarrow

sysmbols out of usepackage MnSymbol
\rhookrightarrow \dashedrightarrow
\leadsto \rcurvearrowright
\rcirclearrowright \lcirclearrowright
\nhookrightarrow \nrhookrightarrow
\nrightharpoonup \nrightharpoondown
\ndashedrightarrow \nrightrightarrows
\nleadsto \nrightrsquigarrow
\ncurvearrowright \nrcurvearrowright
\nrcirclearrowright \nlcirclearrowright
\ncirclearrowright \nmapsto

arrow left direction

A short overview about arrow symbols which show to the left side:

default arrow symbols
\leftarrow bzw. \gets \Leftarrow
\longleftarrow \Longleftarrow
\hookleftarrow \leftharpoonup

symbols out of amssymb
\twoheadleftarrow \Lsh
\leftleftarrows \Lleftarrow
\leftarrowtail \looparrowleft
\circlearrowleft \curvearrowleft
\nleftarrow \nLeftarrow

sysmbols out of usepackage MnSymbol
\leftmapsto \lhookleftarrow
\dashedleftarrow \leftlsquigarrow
\nleftmapsto \lcurvearrowleftt
\rcirclearrowleft \lcirclearrowleft
\ntwoheadleftarrow \nleftarrowtail
\nhookleftarrow \nlhookleftarrow
\nleftharpoonup \nleftharpoondown
\ndashedleftarrow \nleftleftarrows
\nleftlsquigarrow \nleftrsquigarrow
\ncurvearrowleft \nlcurvearrowleft
\nrcirclearrowleft \nlcirclearrowleft
\ncirclearrowleft \nLleftarrow

even more arrow symbols

The usepackage extpfeil not only could more commands, it also provides a how-to to make new arrow symbols.

By using extpfeil:

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