By using LaTeX there is the possibility to create a title page automatically. To fill the title following commands are set:
\title{A not so small \LaTeX{} Article Template\thanks{To your mother}} \author{Your Name \\ Your Company / University \\ \and The Other Dude \\ His Company / University \\ } \date{\today} % \date{\today} date could be today % \date{25.12.00} or be a certain date % \date{ } or there is no date \begin{document} % Hint: \title{what ever}, \author{who care} and \date{when ever} could stand % before or after the \begin{document} command % BUT the \maketitle command MUST come AFTER the \begin{document} command! \maketitle
\begin{document} \begin{titlepage} \author{Sascha Frank} \title{title with titlepage} \date{} \maketitle \end{titlepage}But the behave of title page environment depends on the used document class.
\begin{document} \begin{titlepage} \author{Sascha Frank} \title{title with titlepage} \date{} \maketitle \end{titlepage} % % additional part % \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \quad \newpage \setcounter{page}{1}
\documentclass[12pt,twoside,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{german} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{eurosym} \begin{document} \title{Thema 12: \\ Institutionelles Beispiel f\"ur die Ausgestaltung des Universaldienstes in einem umfassend ge\"offneten Postmarkt} \author{Sascha Frank} \date{\today} \maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} \newpageNot really perfect, but it work's.
\documentclass[12pt,twoside,a4paper,titlepage]{article} \usepackage{...} \begin{document} \title{Thema 12: \\ Institutionelles Beispiel f\"ur die Ausgestaltung des Universaldienstes in einem umfassend ge\"offneten Postmarkt} \author{Sascha Frank} \date{\today} \maketitle \setcounter{page}{1}The command \setcounter{page}{1} is used therefor that the next page will be page number one.
\title[shortcut title]{long title for title page only} \author[shortcut author]{long version of author} \logo{\includegraphics[options]{file name}}To get the title page:
\begin{frame} \titlepage \end{frame}